Logo and Brand Guidelines
The Bossier Term Limits logo is the most visible symbol of our loose knit coalition’s brand. In order to ensure clarity and consistency, the branding guidelines below will help you to determine the best way to use the Bossier Term Limits logo.
PDF Vector (Circle)
PDF Vector (Horizontal)
You MUST get prior consent from one of the Bossier Term Limits coalition members.
You MAY freely use the Bossier Term Limits logos to create shirts, hats, or other items ONLY to help promote the Bossier Term Limits brand.
You MAY charge a fee to recoup your costs (including shipping / packaging) ONLY.
You MAY NOT charge a fee nor accept donations that would result in a net profit from the use of the Bossier Term Limits logos.
We reserve the right to REVOKE your usage at any time for any reason.
For all permitted uses of our trademarks, you MAY NOT:
- Modification or alteration of the Bossier Term Limits logos in any way (distort, change colors, edit or recreate) without prior consent from the Bossier Term Limits coalition.
- Place a logo in such proximity to other content that it is indistinguishable.
- Display our logos in a manner that implies a relationship, affiliation or endorsement by the Bossier Term Limits coalition of your product, service or business without prior consent from the Bossier Term Limits coalition.
- Use the Bossier Term Limits logo in a way that is harmful, deceptive, obscene or otherwise objectionable.
- Use our logos to, or in connection with, content that disparages us or damages the Bossier Term Limits reputation.
- Use any other company / brand logos from our sponsors or partners without their individual consent.
Be sure to provide adequate space around the logo to maintain its legibility and integrity. The amount of space is proportional to the size of the logo. The minimum amount of space around all sides of the logo is equal to the approximate distance between the inner and outer circle.
Color brings visual interest to the Bossier Term Limits communications, helps to maintain a consistent look and feel and differentiates us from other organizations. To ensure accurate color reproduction, the colors for all applications should match the CMYK (process), RGB (desktop) or HEX (Web) specifications:

PNG with Transparent Background
(simply right-click and “Save Image As”)

Bossier Term Limits Blue
CMYK: 87%, 55%, 0%, 70%
RGB: 10, 34, 76
HEX: #0a224c

Bossier Term Limits Red
CMYK: 0%, 81%, 82%, 19%
RGB: 206, 39, 37
HEX: #ce2725
When color or printing prohibits this, it may be used in all black or reversed out to white only — no other colors may be substituted. The logo can appear on color, illustration or photographic backgrounds as long as the legibility and integrity of the logo are not diminished.